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WTH? Biden Is Already Angering Supporters With “Weirdest GoFundMe” Ever

November 23, 2020 RawAmericanTruth Politics 0
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Former Vice President Joe Biden, the very unofficial “president-elect” of the United States, is trying to orchestrate his own transition before the election has been officially decided.

Not only is this completely inappropriate and tasteless from a man who served in one of the most corrupt administrations of all time to be wriggling to get intelligence briefings, but it’s also apparently expensive.

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I guess the DNC doesn’t have the kind of funds it had when it hired Christopher Steele to put together the phony dossier that the Obama intelligence community would use to spy on a presidential candidate and then president-elect—the very same man that Biden is trying to claim he just beat in a general election.


This has apparently resulted in even Biden’s own base—that one has trouble believing is all that enthusiastic to begin with—seemingly turning against the former veep as he turns to Twitter to beg for money to keep pretending he’s going to be POTUS.

“Here’s the deal: Because President Trump refuses to concede and is delaying the transition, we have to fund it ourselves and need your help. If you’re able, chip in to help fund the Biden-Harris transition,” Biden’s official Twitter account wrote.

“Here’s the deal: you’re giving your rich donors everything they want so ask them,” replied one follower, according to BizPac Review.

“Why don’t ask your Lincoln Project friends for some of the tens of millions they pocketed? Instead of squeezing people without jobs and healthcare,” suggested another.


BPR explains that typically, tax dollars fund presidential transitions through the Government Services Administration (GSA).

Earlier this month, however—because again, this is not a settled election—the agency said it would hold off providing funds until it “ascertains the apparent successful candidate once a winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”


There it is.

The agency’s administrator, Emily Murphy, under the 1963 Presidential Transition Act, can order funds to be dispersed upon the clear determination of a presidential winner.

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As it is, the Trump campaign has filed several lawsuits which challenge, among other issues, the final vote tallies and changes made to voting laws prior to the election that were not passed in state legislatures.

“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” GSA spokeswoman Pamela Pennington explained in a statement.

“The GSA administrator does not pick the winner in the presidential election,” she said. “The administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the PTA available.

“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the preelect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so,” she added.

Congress allocated $9.9 million to the agency for the sake of transition services.

The media has crowned Biden the “president-elect,” the official government offices that determine such things have not.

It is a straight-up bum move at best to be rattling his can in front of his supporters while the election is still being determined.

Certainly doesn’t ooze confidence that he really thinks he’s the legitimate winner, does he?

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