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This Absurd Question to Trump is Exactly Why People Hate the Media

April 29, 2020 RawAmericanTruth Politics 0
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For years, the media has been slowly losing its credibility. Year after year, week after week, and day after day, journalists, reporters, and commentators have begun to spin the truth to fit their own ideas and narratives. And seeing how most media outlets seem to be liberal backed, having Donald Trump as president has only made these occasions more frequent, even if they try to hide it.

However, in some instances, there is no keeping those hidden meanings from the public.

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Such is the case with New York Magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi earlier this week.

On Monday, President Donald Trump held a press conference in the Rose Garden, featuring members of his coronavirus task force and several company heads from businesses who are working closely with the White House on new testing ideas. Naturally, at the end of the briefing, the president took some questions.

When Nuzzi was called on, she asked the president if he thought he “deserved” to be re-elected since more people had died in the past six weeks than during the entire Vietnam War.

She said, “If an American President loses more Americans over the course of six weeks than died in the entirety of the Vietnam War, does he deserve to be re-elected?”

As of Monday, John Hopkins University had counted nearly 56,000 deaths across the country due to the quickly spreading Coronavirus, with over 985,000 confirmed cases. In comparison, during the Vietnam War, around 58,000 Americans were killed in the line of duty.

So while the numbers aren’t that far off, the instances are entirely different. For starters, this is not Trump’s fault. The lives lost are not on him.

He didn’t go over to China, whip up some deadly concoction, and release it on the people there. China did that all on their own. Nor did he try to hide the virus or cover it up for weeks and months before finally coming out with the bad news. Again, China did. Neither has he just let America run around doing whatever the hell we want, for which the left has called him a dictator.

Instead, he closed our borders, even when the Democrats called him racist for doing so. He immediately put together a task force to work solely on the virus and everything it affects. And he signed new legislation that has given Americans a safety net, not only for their health but for their financial futures.


Secondly, this is a pandemic, meaning it is happening worldwide. There is virtually no scenario in which the virus wouldn’t have made its way within our borders, even if Trump had closed them months earlier.

And according to the social media posts about Nuzzi’s question, America would agree that this is not Trump’s fault.

Guy Benson made sure to note that of all the countries affected by the virus, the US is doing exceptionally well. Of course, that isn’t what the media and those like Nuzzi want to focus on.

He wrote, “We have one of the best survival rates of all the major countries hammered by this disease. Does he get credit for that? Or just the blame for the overall death toll? How about neither.”

Other’s rightfully have incited that if Trump doesn’t deserve re-election than neither did Obama after experiencing the H1N1 outbreak, during which 12,000 Americans died.

Still, others pointed out that it is questions like these that prove the media has lost its way. Ari Fleischer, who was Bush’s press secretary and therefore, knows a few things about how the media should behave, chastised Nuzzi for wasting America’s time and trying to do nothing more than provoke our president.

“It’s clown questions like this that can make a briefing a waste of time. The only point of that question was to provoke. Not learn anything new. Not provide information to viewers. The point was to get under Trump’s skin. Good to see POTUS rose above and didn’t take the bait.”

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And he didn’t. When Trump answered, he noted that while far too many people had died, the numbers were much less than our original projections. Trump said this was due to “a lot of good decisions” being made and the incredible work of the vice president and his task force.

Of course, Nuzzi says that it was a real question, not meant to provoke, and she thanked Trump for taking it seriously, although he didn’t really answer it.

And why would he?

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