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NY Gov Appoints Herself God’s Messenger, Says Unvaccinated ‘Aren’t Listening To God’

September 29, 2021 RawAmericanTruth Politics 0
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New York Gov. Kathy Hochul used a Brooklyn-based evangelical megachurch, the Christian Cultural Center, as her bully pulpit on Sunday.

Hochul called upon vaccinated congregants to be her “apostles” to promote New York’s vaccine mandate agenda because their unvaccinated brothers and sisters “aren’t listening to God and what God wants.”


Speaking of the vaccines, the state’s first female governor said that God had answered prayer about the pandemic. “He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers — he made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us, and we must say, ‘Thank you, God.’”

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