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MSNBC Contributor: We Must Treat Republicans as “Enemies of Democracy”

November 13, 2020 RawAmericanTruth Politics 0
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While Joe Biden has been stressing unity and bipartisanship, his leftist supporters want to hear nothing of it. Appearing on MSNBC, contributor Jason Johnson wrung his hands over how many Americans voted for Trump and told viewers that Biden should treat Republicans as nothing short of “enemies of democracy.”

Ah, let the era of decency and kindness begin!

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Host Nicolle Wallace, who used to be a Republican herself according to our best information, tee’d Johnson up with a long question about Trump’s “atrocities,” which include showing “disdain” for a lot of people.

“We have to be clear, Donald Trump doesn’t seem to like anybody,” Johnson said. “He may have a particular disdain for black people, he may have a particular disdain for children at the border, but, remember, this is a guy who left his own supporters out in the middle of a tarmac and hopped on a plane. There is nobody who Donald Trump likes. I don’t even think he likes his kids. So the contrast that we’re seeing here is that America by the slightest of disturbing margins decided they wanted to pick someone who doesn’t actively dislike the people who gave him the job.


“I am disturbed by the fact not enough Americans made that decision,” he continued. “I’m disturbed by the fact that you have large numbers of people who are like, ‘Yeah, a guy who leaves people out in the cold, quarter of a million people die of COVID, harasses women and everything else like that, I want a little bit more than that, and I don’t know if I really wanted the other guy.’ So this election actually shows me a lot of really disturbing things about this country racially, very disturbing things about this country from a gender standpoint.”

He continued, urging Biden to treat Republicans as The Enemy.

“You cannot come into this White House with the idea these people aren’t the enemy,” he said. “They are. The people chasing the Biden-Harris truck out of Texas, they are the enemies of democracy. The people right now attacking vote counters in Detroit, they are the enemy. Kyle Rittenhouse is the enemy. Mitch McConnell is the enemy. And if there’s thing Democrats finally should have figured out in this campaign, you cannot treat the Republican party with kid gloves because they won’t treat you that way.”

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Yeah, like…you could probably take half of Trump’s supporters and throw them into a basket of deplorables, huh?

That’s the kind of sentiment that led to Trump’s rise in the first place. But yes, by all means, spend the next four years doing it again. See how that works out for you.

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