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Mexican Immigrants Spike COVID-19 Cases at Border

May 25, 2020 RawAmericanTruth Politics 0
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California has finally started to allow certain businesses to open at a limited level. The socialism that has grown into place is severely starving people and limiting their ability to get outside and interact with people.

Newsom is the nation’s perfect picture of a failed governor. Nothing that he is doing is helping people return to a free life. But rather, it is forcing people to live in a restricted and Democratic-controlled existence.

But even worse than what he is doing is what is happening because he is failing to secure his own state. Regions along the southern border are seeing a spike in COVID-19 cases because people are coming into the country from Mexico who are infected.

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So, while they are in the country they are infecting other residents. The spike in cases is starting to strangle an already hurting region. Newsom needs to set up some centers to help screen people that are crossing into the region for work. Simple testing would keep the sick from spreading it into the country.

The small hospital in Imperial Valley had to stop receiving new COVID-19 patients because they have too many already. Dr. Adolphe Edward stated from the hospital that this increase is “coming to us from somewhere and we want to make sure that we don’t overwhelm either one of the hospitals and overwhelm the system with COVID patients to the point that we can’t take care of you.” He believes that people coming over from Mexico are driving the increase of cases because they have no restrictions where they are living.


Mexican hospitals are also not seeing new COVID-19 patients because they are overwhelmed. So, people are coming to work in the United States and heading to American hospitals. The region in question in Mexico has the nation’s highest infection rate. The fact that things are still bad in Mexico but are terrible in Mexico only proves that the president’s plan for the country is working.

It also gives support to the president to keep the borders closed until things improve on the other side. But the people coming into the country are seen as essential workers, so they are let in.

Newsom has had to admit that things in his state are getting better. And this where he would have to give thanks to the president for his wisdom and leadership during the outbreak. But this leak of infections has to be shut off if he wants to see better numbers. But no one is seeing him taking any action because he does not care about the people of California.

What is striking is that Imperial County is one of the few counties that did not meet requirements for controlling the virus. But the influx of people coming from Mexico to work has pushed it into seventh place. Larry Lewis is Pioneer hospital’s executive officer and he stated that “It’s a very difficult process to identify,” Lewis said. “There was a jump about two weeks after Easter. This is about 10 days after Mother’s Day and now we’re wondering what’s going to happen after Memorial Day.”

Mexicali is the city that influences the region because they have a million people living there. Imperial County is a farming county and Mexicans come into the region to shop for their food because it is cheaper than buying in Mexico.

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The mayor of El Centro is Efrain Silva they stated that “Our malls are here because of the Mexicali consumer, not Imperial Valley. We are totally dependent on them.” The Mexican shopper drives much of the commerce that happens in the area.

Some have tried to force the people from coming into America, but what is being discovered is that these are Americans living in Mexico coming north, and the authorities cannot stop them from coming and getting treated at American hospitals. Newsom just does not want to deal with this because he does not want to look worse than he already is.

The fact remains that these people have rights because they are Americans. And this is one case that the Democrats cannot lock them down because of their citizenship. The people that are not citizens need to be tested before letting them into the country. But, Newsom does not want to deal with it at all.

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