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Harvard Allowed Antisemitic Encampment – Now, They Are in Big Trouble!

May 14, 2024 RawAmericanTruth Politics | National News 0
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At the head of the progressive, anti-Israel college movement is the most iconic school in America. Harvard University was once the gold standard for higher education. But in recent years, its work and radical policies have tarnished the institution.

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But things only got worse after the horrific attack in Israel on October 7th. Harvard’s president at the time refused to denounce the attack. Further, she didn’t stop protests by student groups who spread pro-Hamas views.

Harvard is also one of many top schools that are allowing protesters to build encampments on campus grounds. These tent cities are destroying school property and endangering students. Now, it seems the school is facing another humiliating loss.

Harvard College is struggling to find a speaker for “Class Day” at its graduation later this month, with ten invited speakers already having turned down the slot, partly due to ongoing protests and antisemitism at the elite campus…

The potential speakers declined for a variety of reasons, including an unwillingness to affiliate with Harvard during a year of controversy…


The hesitation to affiliate with Harvard comes after the University faced intense backlash over its initial response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. The ongoing pro-Palestine encampment protest in Harvard Yard has also called into question the logistics of this year’s Commencement and Class Day ceremonies — which normally occur in Tercentenary Theatre, where protesters recently set up additional tents.

Gee, I wonder why nobody wants to give a speech at Harvard. According to reports, ten people refused to speak at Class Day, an event the day before graduation. The Class Day speech usually features a celebrity, who gives a lighthearted speech.

But it seems no one wants to associate with a school that is condoning antisemitism and whose last president was forced to resign over plagiarism. More than that, the toxic woke ideology of the school appears to be feeding a climate that few entertainers would want to wade into.

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Harvard has reportedly suspended students participating in the encampment, but it does not appear as if the school has cleared away the camp. It doesn’t seem as if Harvard is being aggressive enough to end this chaos and restore its reputation.

Reports indicate that enrollment is down. This could be a trend that affects major schools nationwide. Students will reject attending schools that protect antisemites. Meanwhile, schools that stand up to this “movement” could see a boost in enrollment.

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