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Facebook Removes “Women for Trump” Group on Eve of the Election

November 02, 2020 RawAmericanTruth Politics 0
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In yet another searing example of the abject anti-conservative bias at the major Big Tech companies, Facebook removed the “New Jersey Women for Trump” group only three days before the election, disenfranchising 30,000 Facebook users who had signed up to the page. The removal attracted the attention of none other than the president himself, who tweeted to Facebook: “Put them back NOW!!” on Sunday morning.

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“NJ Women For Trump is a grassroots group dedicated to the re-election of President Donald J. Trump in 2020!” reads the group’s description. “We are the modern day ‘Minutemen’ or ‘Minute Women’! We are an independent support group for Women and Men who feel they are alone in their beliefs towards our president. Our goal is to tap into the silent majority of NJ Women and Men and let them know that they are not alone in their support of our president.”

According to the group’s co-director, Priscilla Confrey, Facebook took the group page down on Saturday, angering her and the thousands of users who use the site as a base from which to support President Trump.

“People are really, really mad,” Confrey told “When you have that many people and they’re shut down, they feel silenced.”


The removal seemed to come out of nowhere. While Confrey acknowledged that Facebook’s team had asked her to delete a few posts in recent weeks, she insisted that she always did so promptly and in accordance with the site’s terms and policies. She said Sunday that she’s reached out to Facebook support to see why the group was shut down, but she had yet to hear back by the time she spoke to the press.

“Three days before Election Day?” she marveled. “That is absolutely appalling. I just think these companies, these social media groups, have too much power. They offer to you to open up a group on their social media platform, and you could have 30,000 members, and they shut it down without telling you anything.”

On Sunday, President Trump apparently got word that Facebook was reinstating the group.

“Being restored immediately,” tweeted Trump. “Facebook stated they had made an ‘enforcement error.’ Thank you!”

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True to word, the group was back online as of Sunday afternoon.

It’s just funny how these “enforcement errors” always seem to happen to Facebook users on the right.

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